Saber Interactive

Gizlilik Politikası

Son değiştirilme tarihi: 29 Mayıs 2024



1. Bu Gizlilik Politikasında neler var?

Bu Gizlilik Politikasında şunları tanımlayacağız:

• Sizin hakkınızda hangi bilgileri topluyoruz;

• Bu bilgiyi nasıl kullanabiliriz;

• Başkalarıyla hangi bilgileri paylaşabiliriz; Ve

• Bu bilgilere ilişkin haklarınız ve tercihleriniz.

2. Bu Gizlilik Politikası neyi kapsamaktadır?

Biz Saber Interactive Inc.'iz (“Saber”, “biz” veya “bize”). Bu Gizlilik Politikasında ürün ve hizmetlerimizin kişisel verilerinizi nasıl topladığını ve işlediğini açıklayacağız.

Bu Gizlilik Politikası, Saber tarafından yayınlanan video oyunları, bu politikaya bağlantı veren veya başka bir şekilde bu belgeye referans veren oyunlar için geçerlidir. Bunları hep birlikte “Hizmet” olarak adlandıracağız. Saber tarafından geliştirilen ancak üçüncü taraflarca yayınlanan oyunlar için, aksi belirtilmediği sürece kendi gizlilik politikaları geçerli olacaktır.

3. Bizimle nasıl iletişime geçilir?

Bu Gizlilik Politikası veya kişisel verileriniz hakkında herhangi bir sorunuz varsa lütfen bizimle iletişime geçin.

Bunu aşağıdaki iletişim bilgilerini kullanarak yapabilirsiniz:

  • Fiziksel postayla: Saber Interactive Inc., Dikkatine: Hukuk Departmanı, 2200 N Ocean Blvd., #CU4, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33305
  • E-postayla:
  • AB'de ikamet edenler için:

4. Kişisel verileri nasıl topluyoruz?

Kişisel verilerinizi doğrudan ve dolaylı olarak çeşitli yöntemlerle topluyoruz.

Aşağıdaki durumlarda Hizmeti kullandığınızda ve bizimle doğrudan etkileşime geçtiğinizde belirli kişisel verileri toplayabiliriz:

  • Hesap Oluşturma: Hizmette Hesabınızı kurup kullandığınızda.
  • Pazarlama, İletişim ve Katılım: Bültenimizi almayı seçtiğinizde, forum tartışmalarına katıldığınızda, yarışmalara veya çekilişlere katıldığınızda veya beta testi ve oyunlarımızla ilgili diğer fırsatlara başvurduğunuzda.
  • İşlemler: Hizmet aracılığıyla alışveriş yaptığınızda.
  • Destek ve Sorular: Teknik yardım, müşteri desteği veya diğer sorularınız için bize ulaştığınızda.

Ayrıca platformlar, hizmet sağlayıcılar ve üçüncü taraf teknolojileri gibi belirli üçüncü taraflar belirli kişisel verileri otomatik olarak toplayabilir ve bunları bizimle paylaşabilir:

  • Takip Teknolojileri: Hizmeti kullanımınız hakkında veri toplamak için çerezler ve benzeri takip araçları kullanıyoruz. Daha fazla ayrıntı için lütfen Çerez Politikamıza bakın.
  • Üçüncü Taraf Platformlar: Hesabınızı Steam, PlayStation Network veya Xbox Live gibi harici platformlara bağladığınızda bu platformlardan veri alabiliriz.
  • Sosyal Medya Entegrasyonu: Hesabınızı oluşturmak veya Hizmet içeriğini sosyal medyada paylaşmak için sosyal medya oturum açma bilgilerini kullanırsanız, bu platformlardan veri toplayabiliriz.
  • Reklam Ortakları: Reklam ortaklarımız, hedefli reklamlar sunmamıza yardımcı olmak için bize ilgi alanlarınız ve tercihleriniz hakkında veriler sağlayabilir.
  • Analiz Sağlayıcıları: Kullanıcıların Hizmetle nasıl etkileşimde bulunduğunu anlamamıza yardımcı olan üçüncü taraf analiz sağlayıcılarıyla çalışıyoruz.
  • Müşteri Hizmetleri/Teknik Destek Platformları: Müşteri ve teknik desteğin yanı sıra topluluk ve sosyal medya yönetiminin sağlanmasına yardımcı olmak için üçüncü taraf platformlar ve hizmet sağlayıcılarla çalışabiliriz.

Herhangi bir üçüncü taraf kişisel verileri bizimle paylaştığında, bu kişisel verileri bu Gizlilik Politikasına göre işleyeceğiz.

Platform sağlayıcıları, sosyal medya ağları ve reklam ortakları gibi üçüncü taraf hizmetlerin, veri toplama ve kullanımını düzenleyen kendi gizlilik politikaları vardır. Bu Gizlilik Politikası yalnızca Saber'nin veri işleme uygulamalarını kapsadığından, Hizmet aracılığıyla etkileşimde bulunduğunuz tüm üçüncü taraf hizmetlerinin gizlilik politikalarını incelemenizi öneririz.

5. Ne tür kişisel veriler topluyoruz?

Aşağıda sizden topladığımız kişisel veri türleri ve bunları nasıl kullandığımızla ilgili ayrıntıları bulacaksınız. Buna verilerinizin "işlenmesi" denir. Bu gizlilik politikasının amaçları doğrultusunda Saber, bu politika kapsamında toplanan kişisel verilerin veri denetleyicisidir.

Kişisel veri türü Örnekler İşlemenin amacı İşlemenin yasal dayanağı
Hesap bilgileri
Kullanıcı adları, adlar, konum, doğum tarihi, profil resimleri ve avatarlar ve diğer tanımlayıcı bilgiler

E-posta adresiniz, fiziksel adresiniz veya çevrimiçi bilgileriniz gibi iletişim bilgileri

Parolalar, IP adresleri gibi güvenlik bilgileri ve Hesabınızın güvenliğiyle ilgili diğer bilgiler

Hizmetteki satın alma işlemlerinize ilişkin ödeme ve satın alma bilgileri
Hizmette sizin adınıza bir Hesap oluşturmak ve sürdürmek veya oyun oynamanıza izin vermek ve başka bir şekilde size Hizmeti sunmak.

Size müşteri desteği ve teknik destek sağlamak.

Yarışmalar, çekilişler, pazarlama kampanyaları ve haber bültenleri dahil olmak üzere pazarlama ve tanıtım faaliyetleri için.

Hizmetteki forumları, sohbet odalarını, çevrimiçi sohbeti ve diğer iletişim seçeneklerini işletmek.
Bir sözleşmenin ifası (GDPR Madde 6(1)(b))

Yasal yükümlülük (GDPR Madde 6(1)(c))
Cihaz bilgisi
Donanım modeliniz ve işletim sisteminiz gibi cihaz bilgileri

Benzersiz cihaz tanımlayıcıları (Reklam Kimliği veya IP Adresi gibi)

Hizmete nereden eriştiğiniz, erişim zamanları, görüntülenen Hizmet sayfaları ve bölümleri hakkındaki bilgiler de dahil olmak üzere ağ bilgileri

Hizmet kurulumunun kaynağı (Steam, Epic Game Store vb.)
Hizmeti çalıştırmak ve cihazınızda düzgün çalıştığından emin olmak için

Analitik amaçlar için

Kullanıcılara müşteri ve teknik destek sağlamak

Hizmette iyileştirmeler yapmak için
Bir sözleşmenin ifası (GDPR Madde 6(1)(b))

Yasal yükümlülük (GDPR Madde 6(1)(c))
Oynanış/Analitik Bilgiler
Oyun içi ilerlemeniz, oynadığınız oyun modları, eşleştirme süreleri ve çevrimiçi maçlar oynadığınız diğer Hesaplar hakkındaki bilgiler gibi oyun deneyiminizle ilgili bilgiler.
Hizmeti çalıştırmak ve geliştirmek için
Bir sözleşmenin ifası (GDPR Madde 6(1)(b))
Saber ve Hizmetteki diğer kullanıcılara ve Hizmetle bağlantılı olarak kullanılan diğer üçüncü taraf iletişim platformlarına gönderdiğiniz forum gönderileriniz, sohbetleriniz, mesajlarınız ve diğer iletişimleriniz
Hizmetin bölümlerini işletmek ve geliştirmek (çevrimiçi sohbet, forumlar ve diğer Hizmet ve üçüncü taraf iletişim özellikleri dahil)
Bir sözleşmenin ifası (GDPR Madde 6(1)(b))
Reklam Bilgileri
Hizmetin ilgi alanına dayalı reklamlar görüntüleyen bölümlerinde (mobil oyunlar vb.), cihazınızın benzersiz Reklam Kimliğini veya benzer bilgileri toplayabiliriz.
Hizmetin belirli bölümlerinde ilgi alanına dayalı reklamlara izin vermek
Meşru menfaatler (GDPR Madde 6(1)(f))
Üçüncü Taraf Platform Bilgileri
Hizmeti kullandığınız Apple App Store, Google Play Store, Steam, Epic Game Store, PlayStation Store vb. üçüncü taraf platformlar tarafından bizimle paylaşılan her türlü bilgi.

Hizmete bağladığınız, bir sosyal medya platformu (Facebook gibi) veya üçüncü taraf oturum açma hizmeti (Google'da oturum açma gibi) tarafından sağlanan, kullanıcı adınız ve diğer üçüncü taraf hesap bilgileri gibi her türlü bilgi
Hizmette Hesabınızı oluşturmak ve işletmek için

Hizmeti çalıştırmak ve geliştirmek için

Hizmete bağlanmak ve paylaşım işlevselliği sunmak için

Tüm satın alma işlemlerinin Hesabınıza yansıtıldığından emin olmak için

Müşteri desteği ve teknik destek amaçları ve Hizmetle ilgili diğer amaçlar için sizinle iletişim kurmak
Bir sözleşmenin ifası (GDPR Madde 6(1)(b))



6. Who do we share your personal data with?

In order to operate the Service, we need to share certain personal data we collect from you with third parties, including:

  • Developers and Publishers. As a video game developer and publisher, we may need to share certain personal data with our game development and publishing partners as part of providing you with the Service.
  • With Other Users. To offer the Service’s functionality, we need to share certain Communication Data if you’ve posted or communicated any on public-facing portions of the Service.
  • Service Providers. We might share your details with third-party entities that assist in the operation and enhancement of the Service. This means customer and technical support providers, storage solutions, data analysis entities, in-game advertising partners, newsletter and marketing service providers, payment processors, third-party account systems and platforms, and other service providers.
  • Legal Reasons. We may need to share certain personal data if required by the law, judicial orders, or in response to legal requests.
  • Protection & Security. If we decide that sharing of certain personal data is vital for the safety, rights, or assets of our users, the public, or our business, we may need to disclose that personal data to third parties.
  • Corporate Changes. Should our entity undergo a merger, acquisition, or asset transaction, your personal details might be part of the transferred assets.

Other than the foregoing, we will not share your personal data with anyone else.

7. How long do we keep your personal data?

We only keep your personal data as long as it’s required to provide you with the Service. Sometimes a longer period might be required by law. In each such instance, after that, we will delete your personal data within a reasonable period of time.

Please note that we may retain some data if necessary to resolve disputes, enforce our user agreements, and to follow any technical and legal requirements related to the Service.

8. Cookies, Mobile Advertising, Do Not Track signals, and sharing to Social Media

Certain parts of the Service, including our website and mobile games, may feature cookies, social media sharing, and online advertising.

Cookies: A cookie is a small amount of data that is sent to your browser from a web server and is stored on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies are not spyware or adware and can’t deliver viruses or run programs on your computer. Other similar methods include tracking pixels and web beacons.

For more information about our use of Cookies on our website, please view our Cookie Policy here.

Mobile Advertising Opt-Out: If you would like more information about online advertising and your choices about not having personal data used to personalize ads for you, please see the following links:

For general information on opting out of network-based advertising, see the following link:

“Do Not Track” Signals: We do not comply with web browser-based and other “do not track” mechanisms.

Social Media Sharing: The Service may allow you to share certain information from the Service or your Account to various third-party social media sites and networks. When you do this, any information you share outside of the Service will be subject to that third party’s privacy policy. We encourage you to review their privacy document before sharing any personal data.

Google Analytics and Tag Manager: We use Google services, including Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager, for Service analytics purposes. To opt out of these Google services, please visit this link:

9. Children’s Privacy

We don’t knowingly collect any personal data from children under the age of 13. We also don’t knowingly allow them to create accounts, sign up for newsletters, make purchases, or use the Service.

We may also limit our personal data processing for EU users between 13 and 16.

We take children’s privacy seriously and encourage parents to play an active role in their children’s online experience. If you have any concerns about your child’s personal data, please contact us at

10. Transfer of your personal data

Saber Interactive is a global company with studios in the United States, Spain, Hungary, Argentina, Serbia, Armenia, Canada, England, and Belarus, and cloud servers in the United States and the EU.

Regardless of your location, by using the Service, you acknowledge and consent to the processing and transfer of your personal data to countries where we have facilities or engage service providers, including the United States, other jurisdictions listed in this Section. These countries may have data protection laws that differ from those in your country of residence.

Safeguarding your personal data is extremely important to Saber. To protect your privacy, we take all reasonably necessary measures when transferring your personal information to another country. We do this according to applicable data protection laws and in line with this Privacy Policy. We use various methods, such as implementing appropriate safeguards, and including the use of European Commission-approved standard contractual clauses and other contractual provisions, to ensure that we give your personal data necessary level of protection.

Note that in some cases, certain parties (such as courts, law enforcement, and regulatory agencies) in the countries where your data is transferred may be legally entitled to access your personal data.

11. Security of your personal data

We have taken steps and put security measures in place to prevent the accidental loss or misuse of personal data.

For example, we limit access to individuals and entities who have a genuine business need and protect all personal data using firewalls and other data security measures. Those processing your information will do so only in an authorized manner and under the terms of strict confidentiality agreements. We also use a combination of data encryption, industry standard physical security, role-based access control, and other methods to protect your personal data.

We also have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach. We’ll notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected data security breach when legally required.

12. How will we notify you of changes?

We last updated this Privacy Policy on May 29, 2024.

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make any material changes, we will post the updated Policy on this page with an updated revision date and, if we have your contact information we will notify you by email or by means of a notice on our website prior to the change becoming effective.

The Privacy Policy’s most current version can always be found on this page.

You should review this Privacy Policy occasionally, for the latest information on our privacy practices. If you continue to use the Services after the revised Privacy Policy has become effective, this means that you have read, understood, and agreed to this Privacy Policy’s current version.

However, if you do not agree with any changes to the Privacy Policy, you may terminate your account by contacting us at the addresses in Section 2 above and stop using the Services.

13. Your rights

Depending on where you live, you may be subject to certain laws related to our use of your personal data.

However, no matter where you live, you have the right to request that we delete your personal data. To exercise this right, please email us at We may ask for additional info to verify that you’re the owner of the data.

For EU Residents:

We are regulated under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which applies across the European Union (including in the United Kingdom). We are responsible as a controller of personal data for GDPR purposes.

Your rights as an EU resident:

Under the GDPR, EU residents have several important rights:

  • Right of access: You have the right to request access to your personal data and information about how we process it.
  • Right to rectification: You have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate or incomplete personal data we hold about you.
  • Right to erasure: You have the right to request that we delete your personal data in certain circumstances.
  • Right to restriction of processing: You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data in certain situations.
  • Right to data portability: You have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and to transmit that data to another controller, where technically feasible.
  • Right to object: You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances, such as for direct marketing purposes.
  • Right to withdraw consent: You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time, where processing is based on your consent. This will not affect the lawfulness of processing prior to the withdrawal of your consent.

To exercise any of these rights, please email us at We may ask for additional info to verify that you’re the owner of the data.

Also, in some cases where applicable law requires it, we may not be able to help with the above requests.

California Residents:

We are regulated under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which applies to California residents.

Under the CCPA, California residents have several important rights:

Right to Know: You can ask us what personal data we hold about you and request a copy. This includes:

  • The type and specific pieces of personal data we have collected;
  • The types of sources we collect the data from;
  • The purpose for collecting your personal data; and
  • The third parties we share that data with.

Right to Delete: You can request that we erase your personal data. There are some exceptions to this right, if we:

  • Need to complete the transaction for which the personal data was collected or if there is an ongoing business relationship or contract with you;
  • Detect security incidents and protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity;
  • Need to identify and repair errors affecting Service functionality;
  • Exercise free speech or ensure another consumer can exercise (or another lawful right);
  • Need to comply with the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act;
  • Engage in research in the public interest;
  • Enable solely internal uses that are in line with your expectations for using your personal data;
  • Need to comply with a legal obligation; or
  • Otherwise use your personal data internally, in a way that’s compatible with the reason we collected it in the first place.

Sale of your personal data: We do not sell any of your personal data for any purpose or purposes whatsoever.

Other Rights: California residents also have the right to request information about our disclosure of personal data to third parties for direct marketing purposes during the calendar year prior to your request. This request is free and may be made only once a year.

We also won’t discriminate against you for exercising any of the rights listed above.

To exercise any of these rights, please email us at We may ask for additional info to verify that you’re the owner of the data.

Virginia Residents:

We are regulated under the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA), which applies to residents of the State of Virginia.

Under the VCDPA, Virginia residents have several important rights:

  • The right to access their personal data that we have collected or processed.
  • The right to request that we delete their personal data.
  • The right to correct inaccurate personal data.
  • The right to opt-out of processing of personal data for targeted advertising, sale of personal data and profiling.

Sale of your personal data: We do not sell personal data as the VCDPA defines the term “sale.”

Other Rights: We do not process personal data for the purpose of profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning consumers.

To exercise any of these rights, please email us at We may ask for additional info to verify that you’re the owner of the data.

Colorado Residents:

We are regulated under the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA), which applies to residents of the State of Colorado.

Under the CPA, Colorado residents have several important rights:

  • The right to access their personal data that we have collected or processed.
  • The right to request a copy of their personal data that we have collected or processed.
  • The right to request that we delete their personal data.
  • The right to correct inaccurate personal data.
  • The right to opt-out of processing of personal data for targeted advertising, sale of personal data and profiling.

Sale of your personal data: We do not sell personal data as the CPA defines a “sale”.

Other Rights: We do not process personal data for the purpose of profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning consumers.

To exercise any of these rights, please email us at We may ask for additional info to verify that you’re the owner of the data.

Connecticut Residents:

We are regulated under the Connecticut Data Privacy Act (CTDPA), which applies to residents of the State of Connecticut.

Under the CTDPA, Connecticut residents have several important rights:

  • The right to access their personal data that we have collected or processed.
  • The right to request a copy of their personal data that we have collected or processed.
  • The right to request that we delete their personal data.
  • The right to correct inaccurate personal data.

Right to Opt Out: The CTDPA allows Connecticut residents to “opt out” of the processing of personal data for targeted advertising, the sale of personal data and profiling. If you are under the age of 16, you have the right to “opt in” to the processing of personal data for targeted advertising, the sale of personal data and profiling.

Other Rights: We do not process personal data for the purpose of profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning consumers.

To exercise any of these rights, please email us at We may ask for additional info to verify that you’re the owner of the data.

Utah Residents:

We are regulated under the Utah Consumer Privacy Act (UCPA), which applies to residents of the State of Utah.

Under the UCPA, Utah residents have several important rights:

  • The right to confirm our processing of their personal data, and access their personal data that we have collected or processed.
  • The right to request a copy of their personal data that we have collected or processed.
  • The right to request that we delete their personal data.
  • The right to opt out of the processing of personal data for purposes of targeted advertising or the sale of personal data.

Sale of your personal data: We do not sell personal data as the UCPA defines the term “sale.”

To exercise any of these rights, please email us at We may ask for additional info to verify that you’re the owner of the data.

Texas Residents:

We are regulated under the Texas Data Privacy and Security Act (TDPSA), which applies to residents of the State of Texas.

Under the TDPSA, Texas residents have several important rights:

  • The right to confirm whether we are processing their personal data and access their personal data.
  • The right to correct inaccuracies in their personal data, taking into account the nature of the personal data and the purposes of the processing.
  • The right to request that we delete their personal data.
  • The right to obtain a copy of their personal data in a portable and readily usable format that allows the consumer to transmit the data to another controller without hindrance.
  • The right to opt out of the processing of their personal data for purposes of targeted advertising, the sale of personal data, or profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects.

Sale of your personal data: We do not sell personal data as the TDPSA defines the term “sale.”

To exercise any of these rights, please email us at We may ask for additional info to verify that you’re the owner of the data.

Oregon Residents:

We are regulated under the Oregon Consumer Privacy Act (OCPA), which applies to residents of the State of Oregon.

Under the OCPA, Oregon residents have several important rights:

  • The right to confirm whether we are processing their personal data and access their personal data.
  • The right to request that we correct inaccuracies in their personal data, taking into account the nature of the personal data and the purposes of the processing.
  • The right to request that we delete their personal data.
  • The right to obtain a copy of their personal data in a portable and readily usable format that allows the consumer to transmit the data to another controller without hindrance.
  • The right to opt out of the processing of their personal data for purposes of targeted advertising, the sale of personal data, or profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects.

Sale of your personal data: We do not sell personal data as the OCPA defines the term “sale.”

To exercise any of these rights, please email us at We may ask for additional info to verify that you’re the owner of the data.

Canadian Residents:

For Canadian residents, we are committed to protecting your personal information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). PIPEDA’s ten fair information principles include accountability, identifying purposes, consent, limiting collection, limiting use, disclosure and retention, accuracy, safeguards, openness, individual access, and challenging compliance.

Under PIPEDA, you have certain rights regarding your personal information. These rights include:

  1. Right to Access: You have the right to access the personal information we hold about you and request a copy of that information.
  2. Right to Rectification: If you believe that any of the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to request that we correct or update it.
  3. Right to Withdraw Consent: If you have previously provided your consent for the collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. Please note that withdrawing your consent may affect our ability to provide certain services to you.
  4. Right to Object: You have the right to object to the collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information for certain purposes, such as direct marketing.
  5. Right to Erasure: In certain circumstances, you have the right to request the deletion or removal of your personal information from our records.
  6. Right to Data Portability: You have the right to request a copy of your personal information in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, and to transmit that information to another organization.

To exercise any of these rights, please email us at We may ask for additional info to verify that you’re the owner of the data.

Please note that there may be limitations on these rights as set out in PIPEDA or other applicable laws.

Brazilian Residents:

We are regulated under the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (“LGPD”), which applies to Brazilian residents.

Under the LGPD, Brazilian residents have several important rights:

  • Know when we use your personal data;
  • Access your personal data, correct any errors, or delete your personal data;
  • Anonymize, block, or delete data that we don’t need or are not processing in compliance with the LGPD;
  • Request we transfer your data to another provider;
  • Be informed about who we share your data with;
  • Be informed about your ability to deny consent and any consequences; and
  • To revoke your consent.

These rights apply to any personal data collected or processed in Brazil, as well as any personal data processed for the purpose of providing goods or services in Brazil.

If you would like to exercise any of those rights, please email us at We may ask for additional info to verify that you’re the owner of that data.